25 Natural Sources of Fiber to Lose Weight

By: Chris Freytag, CPT // June 8, 2021

We get these questions all the time: How much fiber should I be eating every day? What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber? What are natural sources of fiber?

If you have these questions, too, you’re not alone and you’re in the right place! Fiber is a commonly misunderstood nutrient that is essential to everyday health.

In this article we’ll explore what fiber is, the different types of fiber, natural sources of fiber, benefits to incorporating fiber in your diet, and how much fiber you should be eating every day.


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    What is Fiber? Where Can I Get It?

    Fiber is a plant-based nutrient often referred to as “roughage” or “bulk” that helps efficiently move food through the body. Fiber only comes from plant-based foods, and unfortunately, most Americans don’t eat nearly enough fiber every day!

    Fiber is found in a plethora of foods, many of which you may already have in your typical diet, but not in a high enough quantity. It is only found in foods that come from plants, so fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and seeds are all great sources.

    These foods come with few calories but tons of benefits, so adding these natural sources of fiber to your diet (if you haven’t already!) is a great, easy idea that can also result in weight loss and better overall health!

    Related: Your Comprehensive Guide to Grains

    Natural Sources of Fiber 

    Here are some of the best sources of natural fiber that you should make sure to incorporate into your diet for weight loss and overall health benefits.

    • Artichokes
    • Pears
    • Mango
    • Passion Fruit
    • Avocados
    • Fruits (Bananas, apples, oranges)
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Quinoa
    • Black beans
    • Coconut
    • Broccoli
    • Flax Seeds
    • Berries (Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)
    • Peas
    • Lentils
    • Whole wheat pasta
    • Oatmeal
    • Chia seeds
    • Pumpkin Seeds
    • Almonds
    • Pecans
    • Sunflower Seeds
    • Peanuts
    • Buckwheat

    We often get asked about fiber supplements, and we always say the same thing: we have no problem with fiber supplements, but it’s pretty easy to get fiber naturally from your diet.

    Not only are the foods that are highest in fiber easy to come by, they’re delicious! Feel free to take the supplemental route and add a dose of Metamucil to your day, but we much prefer a bowl of berries or a scoop of chia seeds in our morning smoothie. Natural sources of fiber taste great!

    Natural sources of fiber

    What are the Differences Between Natural Sources of Fiber?

    There are two different types of fiber: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, and there are a few differences between them.

    Soluble Fiber

    Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like material that slows down the body’s digestion of food.

    According to the Mayo Clinic: “Soluble fiber dissolves with water and creates a gel-like substance that helps to lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.”

    Soluble fiber is known to lower blood cholesterol, decrease your risk of heart disease, lower glucose levels, slow down digestion (making you feel full longer!), increase immunity, act as an inflammatory, and an increased intake in soluble fiber is linked to weight loss.

    Insoluble Fiber

    Insoluble fiber is the type of fiber typically referred to as “roughage.”

    The Mayo Clinic states: “Insoluble fiber absorbs water which adds bulk to your digestive tract and helps to move things through quickly.”

    This type of fiber does not dissolve in water, and isn’t broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream the way soluble fiber it.

    Insoluble fiber promotes movement of material through the digestive system, which can be particularly helpful for people who struggle with constipation.

    Many plant-based foods contain both types of fiber, and both types of fiber are great for you!

    What are the Benefits of Fiber?

    Controls your blood sugar levels- When you eat foods high in fiber, your body absorbs sugar slower, preventing your blood glucose levels from rising too quickly.

    Makes your intestines move faster, aids in constipation, and keeps you regular- Fiber absorbs water, which speeds up bowel movements and keeps your intestines working.

    Helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, digestive problems, and weight gain- By helping control your blood sugar, normalizing your bowel movements, increasing your gut health, and aiding in lower caloric intake due to keeping you full longer, fiber prevents against these health issues.

    Aids in weight loss- Some types of fiber slow the absorption of nutrients, allowing you to feel full longer, therefore consuming less calories throughout the day.

    Lowers cholesterol- This benefit is somewhat contested, because it isn’t true in all cases, but heightened fiber intake has been linked to lowered blood cholesterol levels in multiple studies (like this one from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/69/1/30.full)

    Promotes good gut health, bowel health & healthy gut bacteria- “Good” bacteria enzymes in the large intestine “feed” on fiber, whereas other types of food (protein, carbs, etc) are broken down before they reach your intestines, thereby increasing our number of good gut bacteria, which helps your overall health. 

    How Much Fiber Should I be Eating?

    Like many important nutrients, Americans typically do not eat enough fiber in a day. If you’re a typical American, you’re probably consuming somewhere between 10 and 15 grams of fiber each day, which is way below the recommended amount!

    According to The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, men need between 30 and 38 grams of fiber per day, and women need between 21 and 25 grams per day.

    The exception to these guidelines is for women who are pregnant or nursing, who should consume 28 to 29 grams of fiber daily.

    This graphic depicts how much fiber men and women are advised to eat each day!

    Viscous Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight

    Research on viscous fiber suggests it may reduce your appetite and help you eat less.

    To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. Counting calories can help many people — but it isn’t necessary if you choose the right foods.

    Anything that curbs appetite can decrease how many calories you consume, and this may mean that you can lose weight without having to work so hard on calorie crunching.

    Fiber consumption has been shown to suppress hunger. Yet, only one type of fiber is found to have this specific effect. The thicker, or more viscous, the fiber, the better it is at reducing appetite. Meaning, the fewer calories you eat!

    What is viscous fiber? Viscous fibers are dietary fibers that cannot be dissolved by liquids such as water because of its high molecular weight. The most common type of viscous fiber are either found in skins or psyllium husks, it’s also the type of fiber that is known for its ability to form a viscous gel-like structure when mixed with water.

    The health benefits of viscous fiber include aiding to make the gut more regular which is good for digestion especially if you have irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.

    Viscous fibers are exclusive to plant foods, rich sources include beans, flax seeds, asparagus, and brussels sprouts. If you’re going on a high fiber diet make gradual adjustments to your body’s needs for time make changes.

    READ THIS NEXT: 13 Reasons You Should Be Eating Quinoa


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